Obtaining CKAN data identifier

Obtaining CKAN from data.gov.au

A ckan id is a data.gov.au data identifier.

The ckan is required and must return geojson when queried.

These ids can be found at data.gov.au and can be found as follows.

Firstly go to the data.gov.au website and do a search for the dataset of interest. In this example we have searched for cardinia garbage which has returned one dataset:

Next click on the dataset name, in this case we click on Cardinia Shire Rubbish Collection Zones, which takes us to the available resources for this dataset:

Usually you can't see the full name but if you hover the cursor over a resource the full name becomes visible. The CKAN can be obtained from a couple of locations but we will get it from the WMS resource, which is the second in this list. Click on it to display the resource info. Then scroll to the Additional Information down near the bottom:

Click on the Show more button to expand the Additional Information:

At the bottom of the expanded details you find the CKAN number.

In this example the CKAN number is:


Important note: there will be various numbers which look very similar to the CKAN, for the example the package_id above, which has the same numbers and characters (but "-" dashes instead of "_" underscores). Be sure to only use the number which has ckan_ at the start of it.